School of Engineering
Department of Applied Science and Engineering
Progress of science and technology has shortened the gap between basic research and practical application. At the same time, problems that can be solved with fundamental science are increasing. Consequently, individuals with a broad outlook and the ability to make comprehensive judgments are required in society.
We educate and conduct research with a common idea of creating seeds of innovative engineering based on the fundamental sciences of physics, material, chemistry and biology. Our goal is to foster engineers who pave the way for the future of science and technology and researchers who conduct advanced and interdisciplinary research. Thus the cycle of "search for unknown natural phenomena", "develop advanced technology" and "create new functional materials" plays an essentially important role in our department.
Our students receive professional education by choosing one of our three fields of study - Applied Physics and Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Materials Engineering, after studying a foreign language and common basic subjects related to natural sciences.
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering
Our department provides advanced educational curricula on the IT sector with comprehensive programs on information science and electronics. It is essential that we foster individuals capable of leading the IT sector for the industrial and economic revitalization in the 21st century. We have thus prepared six fields of study with curricula that cover everything from the basics to practical applications of IT.
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
- Media and Network Technologies
- Systems, Control and Electrical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Intelligent System Engineering
Our department was newly established with the merger of the former Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Nuclear Engineering. We aim to develop researchers and engineers who can initiate innovative and advanced R & D projects in areas such as biotechnology, nano- and micro-technology, energy & the environment and the ultimate frontiers of engineering.
To achieve these ends, we ensure our students are knowledgeable in terms of “power,” “flow” and “heat” which form the basis of mechanical engineering, and provide an education that fosters the ability and sense to create a variety of products and systems by applying this knowledge. We have enhanced the teaching of the fundamental principles in new areas outside the category of mechanical engineering, such as quantum mechanics and bioengineering. We also emphasize a method of education that allows students to solve problems with their own ideas and cultivates individuals that are capable of fulfilling active roles on the global stage.
Our department offers the field of study of Mechanics and Information and the field of study of Mechanical Systems. We offer flexible curricula for our students. In addition to studying compulsory subjects common to these courses, students can also attend elective classes from other courses. Course selections do not determine or restrict graduate level specialties.
We promise that a fulfilling campus life and a meaningful future await any student whose studies are inspired by thoughts such as “How could this happen-” or “It will be good to make something like this.”
- Mechanics and Information
- Mechanical Systems
Department of Socio-Environmental Engineering
We aim to nurture individuals that are capable of creating safe and secure spaces, facilities, resources & energy and material circulation systems that are necessary for people to be in harmony with nature, live affluent, healthy and comfortable lives while conduct a variety of everyday activities. Our department offers five fields of study - Civil Engineering, Public Policy and Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, and Sustainable Resources Engineering. Our students can learn independently and purposefully from a broad perspective and without limiting themselves to fixed areas of study. Their motivation for learning and autonomy are taken into account when they choose their courses.
Our educational goals are as follows:
1) Cultivation of the ability to be independent as an engineer and the knowledge of a researcher that is enriched by a broad outlook and liberal education
2) Acquisition of skills for problem recognition and solving, planning, expression and communication abilities, cosmopolitanism and proper engineering ethics.
All of our students study required basic engineering subjects in our department and can also choose specialized subjects in these course.