Open Recruitment

Curriculum Vitae Format

update: 2024/07/24

no. post position deadline detail
2023-34Assistant ProfessorDivision of Materials Science and Engineering
Research Group of Ecological Materials
Laboratory of Materials for Sustainable Engineering
2024-02Associate ProfessorDivision of Applied Physics
Research Group of Quantum Matter Physics
Laboratory of Topological Science and Technology
2024-03Associate ProfessorDivision of Applied Physics
Research Group of Quantum Matter Physics
Laboratory of Applied Solid State Physics
2024-06ProfessorDivision of Applied Physics2024/10/31file
2024-08Assistant ProfessorDivision of Architecture
Research Group of Architectural and Environmental Design
Laboratory of Urban and Regional Design
2024-09ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Resources Engineering
Research Group of Geoenvironmental Engineering
Laboratory of Groundwater and Mass Transport
2024-10Assistant ProfessorDivision of Sustainable Resources Engineering
Research Group of Resources Engineering
Laboratory of Resources Management
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