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e3 Summer Trip 2023 Summer

As one of the e3 tradition, we went for e3 for e3 summer trip on August 4th.  It was held for the first time in three years.

First, we headed to Nitori Orchard Park in Yoichi where we can enjoy picking various fruits.  Yoichi is one of Japan's top wine producing regions and sits alongside the sea of Japan.  When we went there, cherries, plums, peaches, and blueberries were on season.  So we enjoyed looking for sweetest fruits.

After stuffed with delicious fruit, we headed to Yoichi Space Museum.

Japan's first NASA astronaut, Mamoru Mohri was born in Yoichi.  Built in commemoration of his accomplishment, the Yoichi Space Museum featurs a space telescope, a 3D theater, and exhibits of the clothing, food, and living quarters used in Space.

We could enjoy all activities as planned.

ABH 4078

ABH 4098

ABH 4124

BEE 4290