Notice Board

e3 career seminar [Career Design for 2030] Nov 30/Dec 7

We would like to invite you to join the interactive career seminar for international graduate students organized by the e3.

It has 2 parts, you can join both or just one of them.

Please kindly register by November 25 via the google form below. After you register we will send you the link for the event.

[Career Design for 2030]

  1. Wednesday, November 30 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Title: The era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) and 100 years of life

  1. Wednesday, December 7 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Title: The latest Job Hunting process in Japan

Format: ONLINE by ZOOM

Why shall you join?

Job market, employment system, and job hunting process in Japan are quite different from what you might have experienced in your home country. You were probably already told by many people that starting to prepare early is very important. Even if you are still a first year student, I would recommend you to join this event to get an idea of what lies ahead!

Prof. Iida is well experienced in supporting international students career planning and have been successfully collaborating with the e3 for the past few years.

Message from the speaker:

In a few years, you will be graduating from Hokkaido University. What is your career plan? Return to your home country and find a job? Stay in Japan to work here? Or are you not yet decided? Whatever your career plan may be, do you want to verify your understanding of a significant social change outside the campus?

An interactive online seminar will give you a social perspective of a business professional who has been in the ICT, Information, and Communication Technology industry for decades. Being a nationally-certified career consultant as well, the lecturer, Mr. Yoshichika IIDA will talk about the time of VUCA, Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity and will give you a hint to design and develop your career plan.

Looking forward to your active participation.

If you have any questions, let us know.


Kikuyo Ishide

E3 coordinators