Notice Board

Thesis defence calendar Dec 2019 Graduates

Here is the schedule of the Master's and Phd students public defenses. It will be updated. Please feel free to come to support your colleagues and friends!

November 11 (Monday), 2019

Joel Galupo OPON, Ph.D. (FEE, )
Date&Time: 11 Nov 2019, 8:45-10:15
Room: A1-01
Title: A multicriteria analytical framework for quantifying the sustainability of concrete materials under methodological uncertainties

November 25 (Monday), 2019

Zhong HUANG, Ph.D. (MSE, )
Date&Time: 25 Nov 2019, 9:00-11:00
Room: MC526
Title: Surface Chemistry of Cationic-Ligands-Protected Gold Nanomolecules: Ligand Exchange, Protonation, and Menshutkin Reactions on Au25 Cluster