Publications 2002
- Biofilm formation potentials in drinking waters treated by different advanced treatment processes
Okabe, S., Kokaji, T., and Watanabe, Y.
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2002, 2(4), 97-104.
- Structure and function of nitrifying biofilms as determined by in situ hybridization and the use of microelectrodes
Okabe, S., Satoh, H., Naitoh, H., and Watanabe, Y.
Water Science and Technology, 2002, 46(1-2), 233-241.
- Influence of different cultivars on populations of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in the root environment of rice
Briones, A. M., Okabe, S., Umemiya, Y., Ramsing N.-B., Reichardt W., and Okuyama, H.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, 68(6), 3067-3075.
- Successional development of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations and their activities in a wastewater biofilm growing under microaerophilic conditions
Ito, T., Okabe, S., Satoh, H., and Watanabe, Y.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, 68(3), 1392-1402.
- Phylogenetic identification and substrate uptake patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria inhabiting an oxic-anoxic sewer biofilm determined by combining microautoradiography and fluorescent in situ hybridization
Ito, T., Nielsen, J. L., Okabe, S., Watanabe, Y., and Nielsen, P. H.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, 68(1), 356-354.
- Successional development of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations and their activities in an activated sludge immobilized agar gel film
Okabe, S., Santegoeds, C. M., Watanabe, Y., and deBeer, D.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 78(2), 119-130.
International conference proceedings
- Evaluation of advanced water treatment processes by assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and biofilm formation potentials (BFP)
Okabe, S., Kokaji, T., and Watanabe, Y.
Proceedings of 11th Japan/Korea Symposium on Water Environment 2002.
- Performance of a hybrid membrane bioreactor combined with pre-coagulation and sedimentation
Okabe, S., Itonaga, T., and Watanabe, Y.
The Proceedings of International Special Seminar on Membrane Technology. Kyoto University,
October 2, 2002.
- Measurement of growth rate of Nitrosomonas spp. in partially submerged rotating biological contactor by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Jang, A., Okabe, S., Ito, T., Watanabe, Y., Ahn, Y., and Kim, In-S.
Proceedings of IWA Asia Environmental Technology 2002, New Zealand.
April 15-17, 2002.
- Effect of nitrite and nitrate on biogenic sulfide production in sewer biofilms as determined by use of microelectrodes
Okabe, S., Ito, T., Satoh, H., and Watanabe, Y.
Proceedings of 3rd IWA World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia.