



研究室の見学や研究内容の説明については、通年受け付けています。少しでも興味を持った方、質問がある方、実験装置を見学してみたい方は、いつでもメール、もしくは直接学生の居室 (A3-68)に来てみてください。


4月 研究室配属


5月~7月 ゼミ・院試勉強・就職活動


8月 院試


9~1月 卒業研究


2月 卒業研究発表


3月 学会発表・修士研究準備







“Real-time observation of the Woodward-Hoffmann rule for 1,3-cyclohexadiene by femtosecond soft X-ray transient absorption”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 8497-8506 (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05268G


“Polarimetry of a single-order circularly polarized high harmonic separated by a time-delay compensated monochromator”,
Optics Express 27, 38735-38743 (2019).


“Real-Time Probing of an Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction by Ultrashort Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses: Nitrous Acid Release from o-Nitrophenol“,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 674-679 (2021).     DOI:10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c03297


“Dynamic interference of the high harmonics from photoisomerizing 1,3-cyclohexadiene”,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38, 441-447 (2021). DOI:10.1364/JOSAB.404251
“Time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy of ultrafast photoisomerization dynamics”,
Optics Express 26, 31039-31054 (2018).


“Switching the relaxation pathway by steric effects in conjugated dienes”,
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 54 174004(2021)


“Circular dichroism in high-order harmonic generation from chiral molecules”,
Physical Review A 98, 021401(R) (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.021401


“Switching the relaxation pathway by steric effects in conjugated dienes”,
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 54 174004(2021)


“Bond Selective Probe by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Ring-Opening Dynamics of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene”,
Faraday Discussions 194, 147-160 (2016), DOI: 10.1039/C6FD00063K
“Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Dissociating 1,2- Butadiene Molecules by High Harmonic Pulses”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 2463−2468, (2015).
Page 44-47.”“Ultrafast and Photodissociation Dynamics of 1,2-Butadiene Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, Springer Proceedings in Physics, edited by K. Yamanouchi, S. Cundiff, R. de Vivie-Riedle, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and L. DiMauro, Springer 2015.


“Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Dissociating 1,2- Butadiene Molecules by High Harmonic Pulses”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 2463−2468, (2015).
“ Ultrafast Relaxation and Photodissociation Dynamics of 1,3-Butadiene Studied by Probing Molecular Orbitals ”,
Page 40-43.” Ultrafast Phenomena XIX” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, Springer Proceedings in Physics, edited by K. Yamanouchi, S. Cundiff, R. de Vivie-Riedle, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and L. DiMauro, Springer 2015.
Page 44-47.”“Ultrafast and Photodissociation Dynamics of 1,2-Butadiene Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, Springer Proceedings in Physics, edited by K. Yamanouchi, S. Cundiff, R. de Vivie-Riedle, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and L. DiMauro, Springer 2015.
“Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in trans-1,3-Butadiene Studied by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy with High Harmonic Pulses”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 1760-1765 (2014).


“Real-Time Probing of an Atmospheric Photochemical Reaction by Ultrashort Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses: Nitrous Acid Release from o-Nitrophenol“,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 674-679 (2021).     DOI:10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c03297
“Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in trans-1,3-Butadiene Studied by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy with High Harmonic Pulses”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 1760-1765 (2014).
“Selection of an electron trajectory in high harmonic generation inside a short hollow fiber”,
Optics Express 21, 20632-20640 (2013).
“Pulse Compression of Phase-matched High Harmonic Pulses from a Time-Delay CompensatedMonochromator”,
EPJ Web of Conference 41, 01004 (2013).DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20134101004.
“Pulse compression of phase-matched high harmonic pulses from a time-delay compensated monochromator”
Optics Express 20, 3725–3732 (2012).


“ Ultrafast Relaxation and Photodissociation Dynamics of 1,3-Butadiene Studied by Probing Molecular Orbitals ”,
Page 40-43.” Ultrafast Phenomena XIX” Proceedings of the 19th International Conference, Springer Proceedings in Physics, edited by K. Yamanouchi, S. Cundiff, R. de Vivie-Riedle, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, and L. DiMauro, Springer 2015.
“Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in trans-1,3-Butadiene Studied by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy with High Harmonic Pulses”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 1760-1765 (2014).
“Selection of an electron trajectory in high harmonic generation inside a short hollow fiber”,
Optics Express 21, 20632-20640 (2013).
“Pulse Compression of Phase-matched High Harmonic Pulses from a Time-Delay CompensatedMonochromator”,
EPJ Web of Conference 41, 01004 (2013).DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20134101004.
“Pulse compression of phase-matched high harmonic pulses from a time-delay compensated monochromator”
Optics Express 20, 3725–3732 (2012).


“Pulse Compression of Phase-matched High Harmonic Pulses from a Time-Delay CompensatedMonochromator”,
EPJ Web of Conference 41, 01004 (2013).DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20134101004.
“Pulse compression of phase-matched high harmonic pulses from a time-delay compensated monochromator”
Optics Express 20, 3725–3732 (2012).
“Spatio-temporal characterization of single-order high harmonic pulses separated by pulse-front-tilt compensator”
Page 24-26, “Ultrafast Phenomena XVII”, Oxford university press (2011)
「先端固体レーザー」 社団法人レーザー学会編 オーム社 ISBN978-4-4274-21124-9 (2011)
“Spatiotemporal characterization of single-order high harmonic pulses from time-compensated toroidal-grating monochromator”
Optics Express 18, 6071–6078 (2010).