Satoshi Nishimura, PhD, Professor



I am engaged in research, education and engineering practice of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. In particular, my expertise is in fundamental soil mechanics and soil characterisation through laboratory experiments and conceptual/mathematical modelling. Much effort is also devoted to more practical work in field, such as monitoring of earth structure (such as river levee and road embankments). My guiding principle is, "Be a life-long player" - I take delight in making gadgets, soldering, wiring, plumbing, cutting, digging and cleaning in lab and field.

To undergraduate students wondering what discipline to choose

I decided to specilise in soil mechanics when I was a 3rd-year student, which turned out to be a decent choice to date in my life. "New Civil Engineers", a bulletin issued by the Institution of Civil Engineering, UK, once reported that geotechnical engineering is the 'topic that the constrction industry wants students to study most" (concrete engineering is the second, incidentally). You may have a civil engineering project with little relevance to river, or to the sea - however, no project is free from the influence of geotechnical issues. Offshore platforms? They are anchored to the seabed soil. Aeroplanes? They need runways. Empedocles, an ancient Greek philosopher, considered soil as one of the four elements of the world. Soil is a foundation of things in many senses - being a professional of soil is certainly an fulfilling career!

Short Bio

2021- Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
2010-2021 Associate professor, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
2007-2010 Researcher, Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan
2006-2007 Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London
2006 PhD, Imperial College London
2002 MEng with Furuichi Prize, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
2001 BEng with Tanabe Prize, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
1978 Born in Saitama (soon moved to Tsukuba, Ibaraki)

Research, Social and Academic Activities

 For an overview of the research in our group, please see Research page. For lists of publications, research funds, and social/academic roles, please visit my page in Researchmap.
 Researchmap - Satoshi Nishimura

To Students with Interest in Our Group

If you are from a Japanese university ...

Whether you are a 3rd-year student wondering which group to choose for dissertation, or a student from another univeristy wishing to enroll in our postgraduate courses, you are welcome to visit us in person.

If you are an overseas student wishing to pursue a postgraduate degree in our group ...

If you wish to start as a "research student", please check the website of our graduate school, where an official prospectus is available. In usual years, the application deadline is November and May for April and October enrollment, respectively. Even if you contact me much earlier than these, I will probably not be able to give you a clear consent of acceptance.

If you are wishing to enrol in master/PhD courses, first of all please understand that our graduate school has two courses: Japanese-language-based course and English-language-based course. The application processes are different for these, and unfortunately I cannot answer about the application processes. When you contact me, please make clear the following: (1) if you have a scholarship (or if you are planning to apply for any), (2) which course and when to enroll, and (3) what research you want to conduct with us. Please attach academic transcripts and CV. If you request a letter of acceptance, please send a document showing for what you need it.