留学生コラム 世界の国々から北大へ
My journey to Hokkaido : A wonderful experience
Deciding to go to study in Japan was a major turning point in my life. I am living in Hokkaido for about 4 years now. My first days during the spring of 2018 had me soon realized how the cold in Sapporo is far beyond what I knew as “Cold”. The language barrier was another issue but, thanks to the supporters and friends, I survived, adapted, and became able to live by myself at some point.
I am currently enrolled in the Doctoral course at the Analytical Geomechanics Laboratory, Division of Field Engineering for Environment, Graduate school of Engineering where I completed my master program in March 2021. My research is related to the Risk prediction/prevention of disasters occurring due to sinkholes. Japan is dealing with natural disaster of several kinds, and in Hokkaido University many researchers are working on it. So, this is a great opportunity to learn from their rich experience.
Coming from a tropical country, I have never had a chance to experience the 4 seasons but now I can. Each season comes with its uniqueness and inspires me just about the beauty in the life cycle. The study environment in Hokkaido University is also inspiring in ways that I can only dream big of my future professional career. Here, not only that I have the chance to bring theory and Practice together, and especially as an engineering student, this is so important to me; but also, I can enjoy the beauty of Hokudai campus in each season and Hokkaido’s beautiful nature.
As an international student, I think these are memorable experiences I would dearly keep and cherish.