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Academic Societies

ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering)

Technical Committee of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society - Transportation Geotechnics

Japanese Local Task Force Committee for ISSMGE Technical Committee on Transportation Geotechnics (TC202)

Key Laboratories / People Involved in TC202
(Currently under assembling)

The University of Illinois, Prof. Erol Tutumluer
University of Minho, Prof. António Gomes Correia
University of Wollongong, Prof. Buddhima Indraratna
EUCENTRE, Prof. Carlo G. Lai
ENPC, Prof. Jean-Pierre Magnan
Hokkaido University, Analytical Geomechanics Laboratory
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)
Dankook University, Prof. Seong-Wan Park
The University of Texas at El Paso, Prof. Soheil Nazarian
The University of Southampton, Prof. William Powrie
Railway Technical Research Institute

National Technical University of Athens, Pavement Engineering Lab.
University of South Australia, Dr. Don Cameron
Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Dr. János Szendefy
Federal Highway Administration Research & Technology, Dr. Jennifer E Nicks
The Université libre de Bruxelles, Prof. J-C Verbrugge
Curtin University, Prof. Mohamed Shahin
Tampere University of Technology, Prof. Pauli Kolisoja
Newcastle University, Prof. Stephanie Glendinning
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof. Tuncer B. Edil
The University of Perugia, Prof. Vincenzo Pane
Zhejiang University, Prof. Yunmin Chen

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