The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
The Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13) will be held on September 11-13, 2013 at Sapporo, Japan. The conference will be organized by Hokkaido University with supporting organizations. EASEC was founded by Professor Fumio Nishino, and the first conference was held in Bangkok in 1986. Thereafter, the conference has been held in Thailand, China, Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and Indonesia.
The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for professional structural and construction engineers and researchers to present recent progress in research and development, and to report implementation of new tools and technologies in practical applications.
The Latest News
- April.22, 2015
- The proceedings of EASEC-13 is indexed by Scopus of Elsevier!
- Jan.28, 2014
- The proceedings of EASEC-13 is published on HUSCAP of Hokkaido University!
- Oct.15, 2013
- The photos of the conference are released!
- Sep. 9, 2013
- The Presentation Information is updated!
- Sep. 3, 2013
- The complete final conference program is released!
- Aug.23, 2013
- The Conference Program (Tentatively final) is updated!
- Aug.16, 2013
- The Conference Program (Tentative) is updated!
- Aug. 8, 2013
- The Conference Program (Tentative) is released!
- Jun. 17, 2013
- The Registration System is open!
- Jun. 10, 2013
- The Call for Nomination of Nishino Medal and Nishino Prize Award is announced!
- Apr. 30, 2013
- The deadline of Full-paper Submission is extended from April 30, 2013 to May 31, 2013!
- Mar. 25, 2013
- The full-paper submission system is open!
- Dec. 15, 2012
- The deadline of abstract submission is extended from Dec.15, 2012 to Jan.15, 2013!
- Nov. 12, 2012
- The On-line Abstract Submission System is open!
- Oct. 02, 2012
- Call for Special Session Organizer is announced!
- July 30, 2012
- The First Announcement and Call for Papers is available!
- May 09, 2012
- The EASEC-13 website is open!
- Please confirm the Important Dates!
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