若手研究者の活動 1


廃棄物代謝システムグループの奈良研究員が7月にカナダを訪問し、トロント大学およびサドバリーの研究所(The Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation, 通称MIRARCO)で、2回講演を行いました。教授陣をはじめとし、学生を含む研究者数十名の参加があり、研究成果に熱心に耳を傾け、発表後にも活発に議論が交わされました。

講演タイトル: 「岩石におけるサブクリティカル亀裂進展」
0 講演要旨:
0 講演会場のリスト:
0 7/18 トロント大学 マイニング棟
0 7/20 MIRARCO(サドバリー) ウィレット・グリーン・ミラー・センター

  >> English
Dr.Nara gave lectures in Canada

Dr.Nara visited Canada in July and gave lectures on his study at University of Toronto and The Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation(MIRARCO). Dozens of audience including professors, researchers and students participated his lectures and discussed about the topics.
The brief summary of his lectures is as follows:

Title: "Subcritical Crack Growth in Rock"
0 Abstract:
Subcritical crack growth in selected rocks has been studied by using Double Torsion (DT) method with controlling temperatures and humidities. Especially, the effects of environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) and pre-existing microcracks in rock were investigated. Rocks studied were andesite and granite. It was observed that crack velocity increased when the temperature and humidity were higher. In granite, the crack velocity was the highest when the crack propagated parallel to the plane in which the density of pre-existing microcracks was the highest. Additionally, observing the crack path by using Electron Prove Micro Analyzer (EPMA), it was shown that the geometry of the crack path was smoother when the crack propagated parallel to the plane in which the density of pre-existing microcracks was higher.
0 Lectures were given at...
0 Mining Building, Lassonde Institute and Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto on July 18
0 Willet Green Miller Center, MIRARCO on July 20

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