Brief Vitae

(Japanese / English)

Majors             Inorganic chemistry, Solid-state physics, Luminescence material
Keywords Glass ceramics, Rare-earthes, Phosphors(e.g. oxiside), Nano-crystals
Representative authers

<5 Selected Papers> 
「Fabrication of Eu : SrAl2O4-based glass ceramics using Frozen sorbet method」『Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan』 Vol.119[7], pp.609-615 (2011)

「Novel Eu2+-activated glass ceramics precipitated with green and red phosphors for high power white LED」『IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics on Solid States Lighting』, Vol. 15- 4, pp. 1171-1176 (2009)

「Temperature dependence of the photoinduced fatigue-recovery phenomena of photoluminescence under prolonged irradiation in GeS2 chalcogenide glass」『Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids』, Vol. 354, 15-16, pp. 1627-1632 (2008).

「High intensity photoluminescence of microcrystalline CsPbBr3 films: Evidence for enhanced stimulated emission at room temperature」『Current Applied Physics』, Vol. 7, 1, pp. 1-5 (2007)

 ・・・Others 6

Coauthor paper 「Analysis of Ce3+ luminescence quenching in solid solutions between Y3Al5O12 and Y3Ga5O12 by temperature dependence of photoconductivity measurement 」『Journal of Applied Physics』, J.Ueda, S.Tanabe, T. Nakansihi, Vol.110, 053102 (2011).

<Authors in Japanese, etc.>
・中西 貴之、田部勢津久「セラミック機能化ハンドブック」(福長脩編, NTS inc., 2011. 1)"第2編-第1章-第2節 白色LED用途の結晶化ガラス蛍光体"担当. pp. 54-61.

・中西 貴之、田部勢津久「LED照明の高効率化プロセス・材料技術と応用展開 (Science & Technology, 2010. 5) "第5章:構成材料 第1節:蛍光体[2}白色LED用希土類蛍光体の発光特性とその評価" 担当. pp. 142-p.151.

・田部 勢津久, 藤田俊輔, 中西 貴之, 「先端ガラスの産業応用と新しい加工」(平尾一之編, シーエムシー出版, 2009. 8) "第11章:白色LED用結晶化ガラス" pp.279-292.

・中西 貴之, 田部 勢津久,「希土類付活結晶化ガラス蛍光体の創製と高出力・高演色性固体照明デバイスへの展開」 "NEW GLASS", (ニューガラスフォーラム, 2009. 3), Vol. 2
4, No1, pp.44-51.


<Professional Societies>

・The Japan Society of Applied Physics
・The Chemical Society of Japan
・The Ceramic Society of Japan
・The Japanese Photochemistry Association
・The Rare Earth Society of Japan

<Committee service>

・The Ceramic Society of Japan, The 24th Fall Meeting (Local Organizing Committee)

Personal history

<Academic record>
・2009. 3-2010. 4  Ph.D course Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University,                     (

<Work experience>
・2011. 4-present Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor             (

・2010. 3-2010. 4 Department of Materials Science and Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), (

・2009.3-2010.4 Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Research Fellow of the JSPS, DC (


・2008. 12 『The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008』
       Certificate of award for encouragement of research in materials science
・2008. 3 『Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2008』
          Young Scientist Presentation Award, Best presenter
・2009. 5 『Physical Status Solidi A』206, 5, pp. 919-922 (2009)
          Selected paper