
7月10日、12日、COE Special Lecture
”Workshops on Technical Writing in English" 開講

 COE Special Lecture "Workshops on Technical Writing in English"

21世紀COEプログラム「流域圏の持続可能な水・廃棄物代謝システム」(拠点 リーダー:渡辺先生)の水代謝システムグループ(グループリーダー:岡部先 生)では、英語のWriting テクニックについてのワークショップを下記のよう に開催することになりました。講師のAdele Sanders博士は、今季のCOE Intensive Courseの講師 Gary Amy先生(UNESCO-IHE)の奥様で、米国コロラド 大学で、英語を母語としない大学院生に同様のワークショップを行い、非常な 成功をおさめておられます。執筆中の論文についての具体的なアドバイスも可 能とおっしゃってくださっていますので、皆様の積極的な参加をお待ちしてい ます。準備の都合上、出席をご希望の方は、菊池または鎌田(内線7162またはメールで)までご連絡ください。


Dear All,
I am happy to inform you that the Water Metabolic System Group organizes the workshops on "Technical Writing in English" on July 10 and 12.

Dr. Adele Sanders has Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in English Education. Also she has Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, in Curriculum and Instruction. While the Ph.D. candidate, she began working with international students in the Engineering College at CU Boulder by helping them improve their English language usage in their Master's theses and Ph.D. dissertations.
She did such a workshop at the University of Colorado for graduate students with English as a second language and it was very successful.

Please refer a message from Dr. Sanders.

I will provide specific language-use information (grammar and punctuation) during the first workshop, and thesis and report writing tips during the second one. This second workshop might need a little more time if the students are willing to ask questions based on some of their own writing currently in progress or about some writing issue they might expect to confront. They might even be encouraged to bring into the sessions specific examples of their problems that we could incorporate into an even more personal and suitable dialogue.

I look forward to this opportunity with great enthusiasm and appreciation.

The first workshop is being presented from 15:00 (-16:30) on Tuesday 10 and the second one is starting from 15:00 (16:30) on Thursday 12.

Those who wish to attend the workshop are asked to send their names, labs and contact information to the COE office in advance.

If you have any question or need further information, please contact either myself, Kikuchi, or Kamada.

Your active participation is more than welcome.

T Kikuchi (Mrs) or K Kamada(Mrs)
COE Program Office (A3-57)
Phone: ex. 7162 or email

Details of the Special Lecture
Date: 15:00-16:30, Tuesday 10 July
15:00-16:30, Tuesday 12 July
Place: Room C-401
Topic: Workshops on Technical Writing in English
Lecturer: Dr. Adele Sanders

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