
5月22日、Dr. Odencrantz教授(京大)特別講義開講

 Dr. Odencrantz (visiting professor of Kyoto University)

    "Environmental Remediation and Risk Assessment"

The COE Special Lecturer given by Dr. Odencrantz, visiting professor of Kyoto University,
will take place from 13:00 of Tuesday 22.
Please note that this is also a make up lecture of Prof. Watanabe's class "14204 Water Quality Control Engineering".

Dr. Odencrantz got Ph.D. degree at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990 and
has deployed energetic activities
in the field of environmental reclamation and conservation.?
He also has been serving as a visiting professor at Research Center for Environmental Quality Control,
Kyoto University since this past January.

*No need to register to attend. Please contact below if you have any question or should have further information.

T Kikuchi (Mrs)
COE Program Office (A3-57)
Phone: ex. 7162 or email

Details of the Special Lecture
Date: 13:00-14:30, Tuesday 22 May
Place: Room I-204
Topic: Environmental Remediation and Risk Assessment
Lecturer: Professor Joseph Eric Odencrantz,
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University

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