
We work on the numerical study on a physical mechanism to form a large eddy structure in a surf zone. In particular, we focuses on instantaneous interactions betwen the large-scale vortices and also vortex-surface interactions under breaking waves. You can look at computational animations of the surface deformations and the vortex cores produce under breaking waves.

Watanabe, Y., Saeki, H, Hosking RJ, Three-dimensional vortex structures under breaking waves, J. Fluid Mech., 545, 291-328 (2005).
Watanabe, Y., Saeki, H., "THREE-DIMENSIONAL LARGE EDDY SIMULATION OF BREAKING WAVES", Coastal Engineering Journal, 41: 3&;4: 281 - 301 (1999).
Watanabe, Y., Saeki ,H., gVelocity field after wave breakingh, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 39: 607 - 637 (2002).

markSurface Elevation markVortex Cores
