Instrumentation Chemistry


In this course, instrumentation chemistry containing elemental analysis, composition analysis, structural analysisin nano- and micro-area are introduced. Based on their studies, students learn fundamental knowledges and various information about chemical analysis of organic and inorganic materials.


< Information>

Lecture room for Instrumentation Chemistry Instrumentation Chemistry (Hokkaido Summer Insutitute lecture)
start at
14:45 in June 7(Tue). June 6(Tue): Engineering building Open-Hall 14: 45-16:15 and 16:30-18:00 June 7(Wed), 8(Thu), 9(Fri): Material and Chemistry building MC030, Faculty of Engineering. 14: 45-16:15 and 16:30-18:00

< 授業日程>

大学院講義:化学計測学特論(Hokkaido Summer Institute 講義)は6月6日(火)からスタートします
6月6日(工学部オープンホール) 14: 45-16:15 および 16:30-18:00 6月7、8、9日(工学部材料化学棟MC030)14: 45-16:15 および 16:30-18:00


< Lecture notes>

Please select (high or low quality file) for dwonroad. Password for open-file is announced by ELMS e-mail in Hokkaido University.
Before coming the class、please print-out the lecture note for Instrumentation Chemistry. In this lecture, you write some words on the blanks in this lecture-note. You can use i-pad with smart pencil for touch screens.

Lecture note

Lecture note (High Quality: 5.3MB)

Lecture note (Low Quality: 2.2MB)

1)Basic lectures

What happens on the surface? (June 7 14:45-) 

Classification of instruments (June 7 16:30-)

2)Practical lectures

Analysis of shape (TEM, SEM, SPM, AFM) (June 8 14:45-)

Analysis of composition (AES, EPMA, XPS, XRF) (June 8 16:30-)

Analysis of structure (XRD, UV-Vis, Emission, Raman) (June 9 14:45-)

Analysis using ions (MS, SIMS) (June 9 16:30-)

3)Examination (June 10 14:45-)

4)Advanced topics for instrumentation chemistry (June 9 16:30-)



二瓶好正編, 日本分光学会測定シリーズ35 固体の表面を見る, 学会出版センター.
日本表面科学会編, 透過型電子顕微鏡, 丸善.
中田宗隆著, なっとくする機器分析, 講談社.
庄野利之 脇田久伸編著, 入門機器分析化学, 三共出版.
長谷川靖哉 細川陽一郎 中嶋琢也著, 光ナノ科学への招待, 化学同人.
長谷川靖哉 伊藤肇 著, エキスパート応用化学テキストシリーズ 
錯体化学 基礎から応用まで , 講談社.

