  • 2021.9.22 お知らせ

【2021年10月入学者向け】大学院工学院 資料配布及びガイダンス・各種プログラム紹介の配信について / How to Receive the Student Manual and Information on Course Guidance and Various Programs





Dear new students

Congratulations on your enrollment. Due to the situation of the new coronavirus infection, most of the international students from overseas are unable to come to Japan, and the entrance ceremony has not been decided yet.

As classes will begin on October 1, we will be distributing the Student Manual and study-related documents as follows.

In addition, please refer to the following for Course Guidance and explanations of various programs.

1. 修学関係書類の配付について
  Distribution of documents


The Student Manual, Student ID, ELMSID, etc. will be distributed at the Academic Affairs Section (8:30-12:15, 13:00-17:00 on weekdays) after September 30.
If you are unable to come to the office, please follow the instructions below.

① 知人に代理受領を依頼する場合 If you ask a friend


If you wish to ask a friend to pick up your documents, you will need to create a power of attorney. Please prepare a document in the following format and give it to your friend who will receive the materials on your behalf.

② 郵送を希望する場合 If you wish to have the documents mailed to you


Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (A4 size) with a 740 yen stamp attached to the Academic Affairs Section. Please also attach a note indicating that you wish to receive the Student Handbook.

2. ガイダンス及び各種プログラムについて
  Course Guidance and Various Programs

〇履修ガイダンス Course Guidance
〇特別教育プログラムの紹介 Introduction of Special Education Programs

Implementation of Compliance Education for Students

→ PDFファイルを確認し、必ず受講するようにしてください。
  Please check the PDF file and be sure to take the course.

