Staff members in five departments of our University who promote projects in catalytic chemistry and related fields will be reorganized into the four fields shown below, and each field will have a group leader who will unite the areas. The groups will offer positions to researchers inside and outside Japan and carry out priority assignment of hired post-doctoral researchers, aiming for effective advancement of fundamental research. Report conferences will be held periodically to sum up research results and external evaluation will be conducted to ensure maximum performance.

Program leader

Catalysis Theory and Analysis
Tetsuya TAKETSUGU Theoretical analysis of surface reactions
Kohei UOSAKI Nano-functional materials for catalysts
Noboru KITAMURA Nano- and microreactors
Kiyotaka ASAKURA Surface analysis
Hiroki HABAZAKI Tailoring of functional Surfaces

Catalyst Design
Wataru UEDA Metal oxide catalysts
Bunsho OHTANI Photocatalysts
Masatoshi OSAWA Electrocatalysts
Masaya SAWAMURA Metal complexes for catalysts
Takeshi OHKUMA Chiral catalysts for asymmetric reactions

Material Transformation
Tamotsu TAKAHASHI Catalytic C-C bond-forming reactions
Takao MASUDA Conversion of waste plastics and biomass
Hideaki OIKAWA Biocatalysts for organic syntheses
Seiichi TAGUCHI Enzymatic synthesis of biopolymers

Syntheses of Materials
Keiji TANINO Bioactive organic compounds for drug discovery
Toyoji KAKUCHI Artificial polysaccharides suitable for body
Tamotsu INABE Molecular crystals for magnetic materials
Kei MURAKOSHI Semiconductor nano-devices
Hiroaki MISAWA Photoenergy materials
Shinichi KIKKAWA Metal oxides for magnetic materials

The above four specialized groups will be linked transversely by COE project research to achieve multi-discipline technological advancements, the creation of new materials science concepts, and materials science innovations in response to issues confronting society. This will enable us to achieve the technical innovations that are demanded by 21st century society in future materials, energy, medicine, welfare and so on. The following innovation research fields will be pursued:
i) Syntheses of new functional organic molecules and materials for medicine, agricultural chemicals, liquid crystals, EL and other applications.
ii) Development of next-generation environmental process chemistry for material syntheses.
iii) Development of bio-resource conversion processes and other advanced techniques for using energy resources.
iv) Development of photo, electrical, and magnetic energy conversion m
aterials and systems.