1) Project for Developing Creative Researchers and Engineers in the Graduate School of Materials Science

a) Systematic Education in Graduate School of Pure and Applied Chemistry: In this Graduate School, a curriculum for comprehensive education in the fields of material transformation and material syntheses will be established. In addition, a combination of lectures and symposia on cutting edge research, which are carried out both in our University and in other universities, will be held to cultivate the student’s intellectual curiosity and creativity. With ample COE scholarships to provide financial support, our aim is to educate top-level talented people who will lead the researches in next generation.

b) Practical Education Through Internships at Overseas Institutions and Comprehensive Partnership Corporations, and Development of Scientists with a Rich International Awareness: Short-term internships (1 to 3 months) at comprehensive partnership corporations and overseas research institutions will be provided with the aim of giving graduate students work experience.

c) English Education by Foreign Instructors and Support for Short-term Overseas Study and Participation in International Conferences: English courses will be provided by foreign instructors for the development of a practical ability in English. Short-term overseas study and participation in international conferences will be encouraged to foster international awareness.

d) Support for Research and Summer Schools and Symposiums: Financial assistance for research projects proposed by students will be provided to foster planning ability, creativity, and independence. Support will also be provided for summer schools and symposia.

2) Activities in Asian Graduate School of Chemistry and Materials Science and Asian Network Activities: A small number of elite students will be admitted based on a test in English administered locally at collaborating Asian universities and financial aid will be provided to them. Foreign instructors will be hired to give lectures in English, and the foreign student center of our University will be used to conduct Japanese education, enabling the education of talented people that will act as intermediaries between their countries and ours after graduation.
With this Graduate School as a base for the Asian network, we will pursue the chemistry and material research and the education of talented Asian chemists. In particular, we will let graduate students and young researchers participate actively in this network to strongly promote both innovation research and the global devel
opment of talented people through joint research.

3) Program for Encouraging Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Post-doctoral Researchers

a) Supports for International Joint Research and Innovation Research: To support joint research with overseas groups and frontier-area research conducted jointly by young researchers within our University, financial aid as well as space and research staff will be provided.

b) Support for the Cultivation of International Awareness by Promoting Overseas Exchange: In addition to the support for the general overseas study and participation in international conferences, international workshops where young researchers are expected to play central roles will be held. Support will be provided also for lecture tours by young researchers.

c) Symposia and Exchange Projects: International symposia for young researchers and joint industrial-academic forums will be held to promote exchange programs with other countries, internationalization of young researchers, collaboration with industry, and publicity of research results.

d) Career Path System: Support for research expenses and overseas exchange, which are implemented as the COE program, are positioned as part of the talent development program of our University. Steps will be actively taken to promote those who achieve excellent results. For post-doctoral researchers, career support will be provided through the “Career path diversification project for talented personnel in science and technology (S-cubic)”, which was established in 2006.