Laboratory of Water Quality Control Engineering

As of October 19, 2021

Basic information


Environmental Engineering

* Please go to Courses to see the list of subjects offered by the division.

Laboratory's URL

Faculty members accepting applicants

OKABE Satoshi (Prof.), , OSHIKI Mamoru (Assoc. Prof.)

About the laboratory


Biological wastewater treatment (e.g. activated sludge process) and public water health are our main targets. We are developing new green technologies including microbial fuel cells, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process, and solar-based CO2 fixation processes, and investigating microbiology involved in those systems. As for the public water health, we have proposed the concept of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) and are developing the monitoring system of the SARS-CoV-2 and human norovirus invasion using state-of-art molecular tools. Other than the WBE works, we are also investigating horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in environments using molecular and genetic tools.

Organization of research

First-year Master and Ph.D students are required to take several classes required for your graduation. All the students are required to join the laboratory seminars which are scheduled weekly or biweekly, where you need to introduce your research progress and future plans. Other than the seminars, each reseach teams have individual team meeting, and the members are required to join the meeting.


Ongoing projects

  1. Biological nitrogen removal process using anammox technology
  2. Development of energy-“positive” microbial fuel cells
  3. Solar power-driven CO2 fixation and other valuable chemical reactions using newly synthesized nano materials.
  4. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) of the SARS-CoV-2 and human norovirus
  5. Horizontal gene transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes in environments

Enrolled students' research topics

Applicants are expected to join the on-going research topics above. If you are eager to perform  completely new topics, the students need to have sufficient knowledge, background, and collaboration with suitable researchers.

Information for potential applicants

Applicants' background

It will be great if applicants have basic knowledge about environmental engineering (especially, wastewater treatment and public health) and microbiology, virology, and basic computational skills (i.e., MS office). In particular, for Ph.D. courses, it will be better to have some experiences above in your Master's degree.

Who should apply?

Students who have strong interests in environmental engineering and water salinity are highly welcomed.

How to choose a research proposal topic?

Applicants are expected to propose topics related to our interest above.  If applicants are planning to perform completely new topics, they need to have sufficient knowledge, background, and collaboration with suitable researchers.

How the research proposal is evaluated?

We evaluate the student proposal based on (1) basic knowledge and understanding the research topic, (2) strong motivation to solve the question and finish your Master and Ph.D course, (3) story of the proposal and logical discussion, (4) your achievements, and (5) language skill.

Plan to accept applicants

Application type Enrollment semester Master’s course Doctoral course Comments
MEXT Scholarship (Uniform call) Oct. 2022
MEXT Embassy
e3 Special Selection Oct. 2022

How to apply

Please follow the application procedure for the respective application category announced at the e3 web page.

Accepting Research Students

We accept applicants as Research Students prior to entering Master’s or Doctoral program. Please check the e3 web page for information about the research students.

Availability of financial support

Please check the e3 web page for information about the scholarships and other financial support.


If you have any inquiries about the application and admission procedures etc., please contact the e3 office. You can submit your application on-line during the "matching period" irrespective of prior contact with potential supervisor(s).