Student Information

Where to find the information about part-time Jobs

WHERE TO LOOK FOR INFO ON PART-TIME JOBS (email by Yuki, 14 June 2012, checked and upd by Mami 23 Apr 2015)

The information on part-time job offers is available at the following places.

1. HU notice boards set up on the 1st floor of Clark-kaikan (No. 15) and on the 2nd floor of North cafeteria (Hokubu-shokudo, No. 68).
You can find some job offers written in English. Almost all job offers in English were for an English teacher when I checked the board.

2. Exchange salon (3rd floor), Sapporo International Communication Plaza They set up a notice board on job offers (some of them are written in
English). You can also place your resume (please use the format is available at the plaza) on the notice board to find your employer.
Almost all job offers in English were for an English teacher when I checked the board.

3. Hello-Work Sapporo
English speaker helps you to find part-time job offers.

English interpreter (Tamura san) is available 1 – 2 days/ week.  (usually Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon)

Chinese interpreter (Yanoh san) is available 1- 2 days/ week.  (usually Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon)    

Please call 011-804-5258 to register for your visit.  Please make a phone call during the period mentioned above.

Hello work Sapporo Office (South 10, West 14)

According to the staff from Hello-Work Sapporo, it's easier to find a part-time job for the person who can understand daily conversation in Japanese to some extent. If you would like to brush up your Japanese, you may want to join free Japanese classes offered at HU or Sapporo
International Communication Plaza.

For your information please.

Best regards,

Yuki Tsuji (Ms)
English Engineering Education program (e3/e-cube),
International Affairs Office of Engineering (A1-58),
Graduate School of Engineering
Hokkaido University
Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
