Optimum Retrofit/Strengthening System for Concrete Structures using External FRP Bonding Technique: Performance Optimization and Durability

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  • Jianguo DAI 
COE Post-Doctoral Fellow
Water Quality Control Eng. Lab.

Research Topic:

Optimization of FRP sheets externally strengthened concrete members and their durability

Maintenance and repair of tremendous civil infrastructure systems requires the development of technologies for upgrading the existing concrete structures with the uses of innovative materials, among which is the Fiber Reinforced Polymer sheet. This study focuses on how to achieve at maximum the cost effectiveness, optimum structural performance and reliable durability of concrete structures externally strengthened with FRP sheets.

Research Approaches:

The following topics will be studied: (1) fracture mechanics-based unified bond modeling for FRP/concrete interface under various conditions;
(2) clarification of fracture failure mechanisms of FRP externally strengthened concrete members by discrete RBSM method.
(3) Optimization of FRP strengthened concrete members by selecting advance bonding techniques and most appropriate FRP materials.
(4) Long term durability of FRP/concrete interfaces and FRP externally strengthened concrete members under combined environmental and mechanical actions.